Folder Doubtful
Its doubtful that these words are still so important (70 years is a lot of time).
Sorry, but what is doubtful at words like ANT, DIRTY and so on? -- RalfEbert?
- I think ANT is - like e. g. GOAT - an animal with no special significance. SMALL INSECT. I think DIRT should be sufficient (HAPPY and HAPPYNESS, SAD and SADNESS are similar cases). It seems a question of economy to me. -- HelmutLeitner?
37 pages:
ANT... De:Ameise Es:Hormiga
ANY... De:Jeder Es:Algún
CANVAS... De:Leinwand Es:Pantalla
COLLAR... De:Kragen Es:Cuello
DIFFERENT... De:Verschieden Es:Diferente
DIRTY... De:Schmutzig Es:Sucio
DeletedBasicWords...none (internal function)
FEEBLE...none (doubtful)
FOLD...none (doubtful)
FOOLISH... De:Dumm Es:Tonto
FREE... De:Frei Es:Libre Es:Liberal
FRONT... De:Vorderseite Es:Parte_anterior
GOAT... De:Ziege Es:Cabra
HAPPY... De:Glücklich Es:Feliz
KETTLE...none (doubtful)
LITTLE... De:Wenig Es:Poco
MILITARY... De:Militärisch Es:Militar
MUCH... De:Viel Es:Mucho
NATURAL... De:Natürlich Es:Natural
OPERATION... De:Operation Es:Operación
POLISH...none (doubtful)
PORTER...none (doubtful)
PROSE... De:Prosa Es:Prosa
QUITE... De:Sehr Es:Muy Es:Mucho
REPRESENTATIVE... De:Repräsentant Es:Representante
ROAD... De:Straße Es:Carretera
SAD... De:Traurig Es:Triste
SEEM... De:Scheinen Es:Parecer
SERVANT... De:Diener Es:Serviente
SET... De:Setzen Es:Poner
SIGN... De:Zeichen Es:Signo
TIN... De:Zinn Es:Estáno
VERSE... De:Vers Es:Verso
WAX... De:Wachs Es:Cera
WELL...none (doubtful)
WHIP... De:Peitsche Es:Látigo