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Added: 33a34,38

* translate: none (internal page)

To get a useful vocabulary for our purposes, we have to tune and refine it.

Reasons for these changes are: The reasons for this changes are that CKO lived about 50 years ago (PLASTIC), before computers became important (OBJECT) and was primarily interested in providing everyday vocabulary (COW and GOAT). Our interests are just more abstract.

The goals:

  • to have a minimum word set (not in the mathematical sense, a dozen words more or less is not regarded a problem)
  • to have definitions of all words in terms of these words
  • to have a minimum number generating words or ideas (see FolderIdeas) all other words are derived from.

It is often unclear which word type serves best. CKO often prefers the noun to the adjective and avoids verbs, but not in all cases.

Examples for duplicates:

What is better:

  • translate: none (internal page)
© DictWiki Community Last change: August 30, 2011