German Workshops

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You can add missing text to the list(the ESF cuts it short after 255 characters marked with ...) - Some of the descriptions have been translated. If you spot mistakes please correct them and help improve the translation. You can change the content of this site by clicking on "Ändern" below. deutsche Übersetzung - german Translation: DeutscheWorkshops
1. medico international

The People's Health Movement (PHM) - Mobilizing people to take Health in their hands and change "Health for All" from rhetoric into practice. (Sovranita` Alimentare / Food Sovereignity)

After a year-long mobilising and preparatory process 1500 People from 94 countries came together in December 2000 in Savar, Bangladesh to hold the People’s Health Assembly. After days of sharing experiences of the situation of Health worldwide and developing perspectives for action, the People’s Health Charter (PHC) emerged at this meeting, emphasizing that health is not just a bio-medical issue but has an economic, political, socio-cultural and environmental dimension as well.

Health Action must therefore involve action at all these levels so that the deeper determinants of Health are tackled. While neoliberal concepts of privatisation pushes health and healthcare further from a human right to a commodity that is available only for cash and favour technological top-down programs against "diseases of poverty" the People’s Health Movement calls for a comprehensive primary health care that gives priority to equity in health and empowers people to struggle for better health and a better life.

We will present a brief history of the PHM and the content of the PHC and would like to discuss already happen and further possible initiatives to advocate the PHM-process in Europe and possible links with other movements.

Andreas Wulf (medico international), Christiane Fischer (BUKO Pharma-Campaign)
2. Society Culture of Peace

From the cult of war towards a Culture of Peace (Culture di Pace / Peace Culture)

A world without war is possible. We urgently need alternatives. We will report about 15 years of work for a Culture of Peace with artists, scientist, writers with civic interventions in Chile, Colombia, Iraq, Bosnia and former Yugoslavia. ...

Henning Zierock Heike Haensel
3. Theodorakis-Choir

Music Workshop: Songs for a Culture of Peace (Culture di Pace / Peace Culture)

We will learn international songs, chansons, canciones from Mikis Theodorakis, Zulfu Livaneli, Mercedes Sosa, Victor Jara, Nazim Hikmet, Bertolt Brecht and order to make a presentation at the closing session of the Social Forum. ...

Henning Zierock
4. (member of attac and party of democratic socialism Gerrnany)

information - discussion - action: politics in internet (Liberta` di Informazione, accesso e tecnologie /Information? freedom, acces and technologies)

The points of interest are the new tasks within the networks and the potentials of the two-way-mass-communication internet. A lot of traditional versions of enterprises have always been based on the assumption that centralised control of political ...

Helge Meves et al.
5. Linksruck

Ist der Marxismus noch aktuell? (Is Marxism still up to date?) (Altro/Other)

Eine andere Welt ist möglich - dies ist die grundlegende Annahme und Motivation unserer Bewegung. Aber was ist die Alternative? Mit dem Zusammenbruch der stalinistischen Regime des Ostblocks haben viele auch gleich den Marxismus mit beerdig. Wir wollen der Frage nachgehen: Was ist die authentische Tradition des Marxismus und hilft sie uns heute noch, die Welt zu verstehen und zu verändern? - Einleitungsreferat 30 Minuten, danach Debatte

Stefan Bornost (leitender Redakteur der sozialistischen Zeitung Linksruck)

6. Linksruck

Nein zum Krieg gegen den Irak! (No to the war against Iraq) (Guerre, nuovi conflitti,eserciti, petrolio,acqua Wars, new conflicts, water and oil)

Was können wir gegen einen Krieg gegen den Irak tun? Auf dieser gemeinsamen Veranstaltung von der AG gegen den Krieg/Attac Berlin, Tobias Pflüger und Linksruck wollen wir die aktuelle Situation, Hintergründe des Konfliktes und Perspektiven des Widerstandes diskutieren. Den Einleitungsreferaten folgt eine Debatte im Plenum.

Daniel Blobel (AG gegen den Krieg/Attac Berlin), Tobias Pflüger (Informationsstelle Militarisierung), Michael Ferschke (Linksruck)
7. Linksruck

Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Befreiungskampf! ((Solidarity with the palestinian) (Guerre, nuovi conflitti,eserciti, petrolio,acqua Wars, new conflicts, water and oil)

Anhand von Fotos aus ihrer Ausstellung "Its not just about tanks and Arafat" und von ihrem jüngsten Aufenthalt in Palästina im Oktober 2002 wird Julia Deeg über die Situation im besetzten Palästina berichten. Irmgard Wurdack wird in ihrem Kurzreferat über den Charakter des palästinensischen Befreiungskampfes und die Rolle des Staates Israels eingehen. Nach den Einleitungen gibt es ausreichend Raum für Fragen und Kontroverse.

Julia Deeg (International Solidarity Movement), Irmgard Wurdack (Linksruck)
8.AG gegen den Krieg, Attac Berlin

How does ATTAC in Europe approach the question of war ? (Guerre, nuovi conflitti,eserciti, petrolio,acqua Wars, new conflicts, water and oil)

The connection between globalisation and war. What can ATTAC contribute to the development of an European peace-movement?

Barbara Fuchs, Carl Waßmuth von "widerstand international / resistance international" und n.n Sprecher von "school students against the war"
9. Network WorldWide? Projects

International Networking and Communikation / Think global, act local (Liberta` di Informazione, accesso e tecnologie /Information? freedom, acces and technologies)

About the urgent necessity of a central communikation-platform for the movement of the European-Social-Forum. How can the internet used the best for the aims of the WorldSocialForum?? Introducing a special internet-technology (the WikiWeb) and its possibilities for free use by all participants. A Workshop not only for the webmasters!

Torsten Trotzky ( MAIL webmaster (AT) ), Gerhard Siegwart ( MAIL g.siegwart (AT) )
10. Netzwerk gegen Konzernherrschaft und neoliberale Politik

The Need to de-colonize Europe (Le diverse d`Europa, i "sans" e gli esclusi / Different Europes)

Maria Mies, Cologne (Germany) ( MAIL mariamies (AT) )
11. Netzwerk gegen Konzernherrschaft und neoliberale Politik

To melt down the capitalist-patriarchal iceberg (Sovranita` Alimentare / Food Sovereignity)

to build up subsistence-economies of life

Maria Mies, Cologne (Germany) ( MAIL mariamies (AT) )
12. Network WorldWide? Projects / Mehr Demokratie / Omnibus für Direkte Demokratie

Stop GATS / Wasserverkauf durch Bürgerentscheid (Altro/Other)

Immer schneller werden öffentliches Eigentum, Dienstleistungen und Wasser verkauft. GATS soll all dies völkerrechtlich bindend machen. Der Workshop hat zum Ziel, strategisch zu beraten, wie über Bürgerentscheid und Volksentscheid dieser Prozess gestoppt werden kann.

Thomas Mayer, Roman Huber ( MAIL Roman.Huber (AT) ), Ronald Pabst Jens Loewe ( MAIL info (AT) ) Werner Küppers, Brigitte Krenkers ( MAIL omnibus (AT) ), u.a.
13. Federal Coordination of Internationalism (BUKO)

What´s up with the State and the Bourgeois Public? - Positions and Debates ((Le diverse d`Europa, i "sans" e gli esclusi / Different Europes)

The recent history of international social protests gained force since "Seattle 1999" and lead to a broad debate: What does "neoliberal globalisation" mean, what are the main conflict lines with dominant forces and who are the ...

Markus Wissen, Ulrich Brand
14. widerstand international'

War against Iraq: For a european students strike on day X (Altro/Other)

A war from the US against Iraq is more than possible. A lot of Youth want to fight against it. Also while the war against afghanistan a lot of young people demonstrated against this war and organized strike actions. For example in Berlin/Germany 5.000 ...

n.n speaker of "widerstand international/ resistance international" and n.n speaker of "school students against the war"
15. Heinrich Boell Foundation

European Energy Policies and EU Accession: Risks and Opportunities (Le diverse d`Europa, i "sans" e gli esclusi / Different Europes)

This workshop will examine the effects of (1) EU energy policies (eg energy market liberalization, Euratom, emissions trading and renewable energies) on EU accession countries and (2) accession country policies and interests on the current EU energy ...

Climate Action Network Europe
16. GIOLLI - Centro Ricerche su Teatro dell'Oppresso e Coscientizzazione (Italy), INKOTA-Netzwerk (Deutschland) and DOMINO (Deutschland)

Images of Globalization - Images of Resistance. A bilingual Theatre of the Oppressed (Altro/Other)

Theatre is politics and politics is theatre - this workshop aims at exploring the issues of globalization and resistance in a different way. An English-speaking and an Italian-speaking group will work with Image Theatre techniques (from Augusto Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed) first separately, then together, in order to create a small performance to be shown on the streets outside. Massimiliano Filoni, Alfredo Meschi (GIOLLI, Italy) and Till Baumann (INKOTA/DOMINO, Germany) are street-experienced Theatre of the Oppressed practitioners.

Massimiliano Filoni Till Baumann
17. attac GErmany

The Struggle for Land and Forest Rights in Thailand (Sovranita` Alimentare / Food Sovereignity)

The environmental and farmers movement in Thailand has been successful in resisting moves by global players and the Thai government to impose large scale eucalyptus plantations and to relocate villagers from forest areas. The movement has also developed ...

The speaker, Luen Sichampho, is a leading activist in the farmers movement of Thailand and the secretary general of the Northeastern Farmers Union
18. G86B

Living Newspaper (Guerra e Informazione / War and Media)

The theatregroup "G86B" presents a performance about "War and Peace - Lies and Truth". The performance looks at the connection between war, globalisation and media. We then offer a workshop in which a performance of about 10 minutes can be put together ...

theatregroup G86B
19. European Referendum Campaign + Mehr Demokratie

An other EU is possible - European Referendum Campaign - Let the PEOPLE decide about Europe (Le diverse d`Europa, i "sans" e gli esclusi / Different Europes)

The EU is reshaped. Currently the European Convention develops a proposal for a European Constitution. We have launched a campaign that demands a referendum about the results this process ( There should be no further integration without the explicit ...

eMail: MAIL heiko.dittmer (AT) or MAIL info (AT)
20. Megafon/Utopia/Indymedia(Ru), Navinki(By), Osteuropa-AG(D)

Creating radical projects of east-west cooperation (Altro/Other)

...needs to take a closer look at the specific ways in which globalisation affects the region, at those aspects of neoliberal capitalism that are particularly visible in Eastern Europe. Prepared by people from different antiauthoritarian leftist groups ...

All of us...
21. felS (für eine linke Strömung), Anitmilitaristisches Bündnis "Krieg ist Frieden"

New Wars and the militarisation of everyday life: What joint perspectives of res... (Guerre, nuovi conflitti,eserciti, petrolio,acqua Wars, new conflicts, water and oil)

The war policy of the NATO-states, permanent "war on terrorism/evil" and the terror of capitalist globalisation are two sides of the same coin i.e. worldwide capitalist exploitation and the way it is being pushed through on a military plane are inex...

Fels (D), Antimilitaristisches Bündnis "Krieg ist Frieden" (D), Anti-WTO-Koordination (CH), Contact: Monika Bricke ( MAIL mbricke (AT) )
22. Kanak Attac, MIB

Die Situation der Migranten in Europa

23. Pharmazeutische TNC´s und Gesundheits Politik

  • Organisation: chemiekreis (oppositionelle Gewerkschafter aus der chemischen Industrie)
  • Kontakt: MAIL ufranz (AT)

24. German Preparationgroup for the ESF

Meeting of the German delegation (Altro/Other)

Talking about ESF experiences, strategies for the future, have a prospect of a german socialforum

Organizers: german social forum preparation group, contact: Ole Erdmann, Jens Loewe, Christine Buchholz - MAIL info (AT)

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