Thanks Helmut for welcoming
WikiWikiBelgique. Still on holidays right now and would be interested to test the hosting of PersonalWiki
? (I mean a
WikiPersonnel for
PhilippeAllard). Some other projects could be tested also even if I don't see any real
WikiBusiness in France or Belgium for the moment
Good night. --
Christophe, I feel not yet up to supporting French Wiki projects outside of the experimental FractalWiki. I would need someone knowing the ProWikiSoftware really good and who is willing to support the French users for a share. Suppose this depends on the overall development of the wiki and especially the French wiki market. -- HelmutLeitner
Thanks Helmut for reply. Still interested in building any way of Wikicooperation with ProWikiSoftware. As you know I have not any tecnnical skill. Just enthousiasm about wikis. Could we go on studying (and find out some strong technical guys interested if required) to imagine developing the ProWikiSoftware on the french market. I keep on believing that developing the french wiki market is more a human and media challenge. -- ChristopheDucamp
- I think you could do it easily if you want to. Wiki is 70% a social and only 30% a technical phenomenon, so to communication of the culture of cooperation is the only thing that really counts. I don't have any idea whether France is in front of the USA, Sweden, Korea or Germany or behind. It's really hard to tell. The French wikipedia is half a year behind the German, but that is only a rough indicator. Typically I would assume that the French are very communicative people and will advance very faster than others. What will they need? What special habits have formed or will form? What projects are needed and have the best chances to succeed? What do you think? -- HelmutLeitner
- The french wikipedia is half a year in terms of articles, but according to Alexa, it receive much more hits (this escapes me a bit I must admit). I personnally assume that my regularly trying to make some promotion help, as well as using some of the basics to please Google I have been using a lot of different techniques to attract users in my fields of expertise, and I am quite happy with the results. However, I am not sure in the long term French will do better than Germans from a business perspective. We are not very well connected (I am living in a big city, but work in the agriculture world, and the fact countryside is quite little connected or mostly on modem, can't expect me. I am sure though, the agricultural world would be one very much interested in the concept, because it already relies a lot on cooperation. Second point is that french people being a bit anarchic, they may fear a lot security issues. I am fascinated in the concept, but find it hard to evaluate whether it could have serious impact on business. As a note : I have been thinking of sending this "communiqué de presse" since september to Le Journal du Net, but refrain myself painfully for access issues. I hope the new server will be up soon, so we can make noise about wiki there again. ant
- Thanks for help AntHere. This first french article FrenchWikiFarm/Fing/EditoSurLesWikis is a good signal to develop FrenchWikiMarket? for 2004.
Helmut would you been opened to join Autrans next january. You could speak (in english ?) of FractalWiki to a french and belgium audience. Autrans (Savoie) is not too far from Austria. Could be the way to discuss with Arnaud of some french opportunities to integrate FractalWiki in a CraoWiki offer ? (you could see Autrans : - we will discuss about the future of wikis and Autrans is in France the first event self organized via wiki...) -- ChristopheDucamp
- Can you tell me more?
- What is Autrans?
- What are the goals and the schedule of this conference?
- What are the organizations behind it?
- What is your role?
- -- HelmutLeitner
- Sorry Helmut I just noticed that there was no english version of the website. So let me answer later. My english is poor so let me drop your questions on MeatBall:AutransWiki to design an AutransWikiFaq?. The group could be invited to refactor questions + answers in english. Good opportunity to build a small summary press release -- ChristopheDucamp
Christophe, I'm sorry, but I think I can't come to Autrans. But I could make myself available for a few Wiki sessions during these days answering questions, helping with Wiki or community design, or whatever people might want or need. Something in the lobby with a beamer perhaps? Do you think this would make sense? --
- Good idea Helmut. Yes it would make sense. A lot of people could be found of wikis. WikiFractality remains very interesting. And I would love if we could speak of Wikiprospective ? We will experience some MeshNetwork? to give everybody in all the village. So we could converse by any means you want. What do you mean by a beamer Helmut ? -- ChristopheDucamp
Here the name "beamer" is used for systems that project the computer screen to a wall, maybe "projector" or something like that. So that more than two or three people can see what is going on. --
Great Yes we will have "beamer" during the tables rondes... Slides are forbidden just to emulate conversation with the audience. But we can shoot some screenshots and all webpages are allowed... could we imagine a telewikiconference through some screenshots and an instant messenger like jabber. I'd like to speak of a lot of collaborative tools. Your intervention would be appreciated for WikiContextuality and WikiFractality ? -- ChristopheDucamp