ProWiki:CdmlQuestion could be translated in different languages
as english and french for WikiSchool project
Translation of ProWiki:CdmlQuestion itself:
 | allemand | anglais | français |
Frage | question | question |
Lernen | learn | apprendre |
Text | text | texte |
Position | position | position |
Typ | type | type |
Info | info | info |
Kodierung | code | code |
Bild | image | Image |
Antwort | answer | Reponse |
Linienbreite | linewidth | lignelargeur |
Farbe | color | couleur |
Translations of parameters should be
- short, must be in one word (no blanks)
- if possible similar to the english one
- avoid accented characters, if possible (some browser mess them up occasionally and that might spoil the CDML elements in rare occasions)
- if in doubt "width of line" => "widthline" or "linewidth" ? put the object first, the attribute second.
Way back in 2000 I started German CDML because I saw no chance to teach normal German users HTML and its English jargon (padding, align, ...). The same will be true for French. Starting to translate CDML to French would make the ProWikiSoftware fully usable for French users in the long run. -- HelmutLeitner
- Ok Helmut still interested to help
Try to do my best for the CdmlQuestion but not sure by what you mean by type or art ? -- ChristopheDucamp
- Mattis, Christophe, thank you for translating. "Art / type" is a kind of subclass to an element. Now CdmlQuestion has something like a default (multiple choice) question. I'm preparing a text inserting variation of this (maybe [type=textinsert], there will be maybe 5-10 variations in the end. We currently have CdmlImage [type=column] (text side-by-side with the image, not surounding) and CdmlTable [type=invisible] (without separating lines). My dictionary would perhaps suggest fr. "type" or "variant"? -- HelmutLeitner
- Type exists and could be recommended in french as traits caractéristiques d'un groupe d'un ensemble de choses . Best : will be shorter than variante in french. For the capital letter Type or type, it will depend on your wikiconvention vs cdmlelement
-- ChristopheDucamp
- Lowercase would be natural, like in English. Is that ok? -- HelmutLeitner
- lowercase is ok in french. (rectified in the table) -- ChristopheDucamp
German "Typ" short for Typus (Latin) is better than "Art". Keeping languages close is good - if they are (like in this case). --MattisManzel
 | The result: 0.0% | Le résultat : 0.0% | Das Ergebniss: 0,0% |
(0 correct answers: ) | (0 réponse correcte) | (0 richtige Antworten) |
(12 incorrect answers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12) | (12 réponses incorrectes : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12) | (12 falsche Antworten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12) |
ResultsUsers? Tests Topresults Totalresults | RésultatsUtilisateurs? Questionnaire MeilleursRésultats? Total | BenutzerErgebnisse? SpitzenErgebnisse? AlleErgebnisse? |
-- ChristopheDucamp
OBS The result is singulary. I corrected it. -- MattisManzel
 | allemand | français 1 | français 2 (alternative with score) |
Das Ergebnis | Le Résultat | Score |
Resultate | Résultats | Scores |
Benutzer | Utilisateur | Utilisateur |
Fragebogen | Questionnaire | Questionnaire |
Top-Ergebnisse | Top-Résultats | Top-Scores |
Gesamt | Total | Total |
Suggestion : Helmut, if Résultat ou résultat does not match with your code need (acute accent I know... !), score is also in the french dictionary. Score could be shorter to satisfy a shorter need. -- ChristopheDucamp