Hier können Links zu allen möglichen Themen (bitte alphabetisch) eingetragen werden. Seiten sollen erst dann angelegt werden, wenn ein bisschen mehr Substanz da ist.
Cyberstalking | |
(Parlamentarisches Procedere) Wäre sinngemäß in Online-Communities zu adapieren, so dass geordnete Entscheidungsabläufe möglich sind.
Google | |
Gründungsüberlegungen | |
Mehrsprachigkeit | |
Vereinsgründung | |
Es gibt reine Online-Communities, die mit der Zeit einen festeren organisatorischen Rahmen brauchen. Eine Möglichkeit ist die Gründung eines (gemeinnützigen) Vereines.
Verbindungen zwischen Communities | |
- There are two kinds of joiners in the world. Think of it in terms of anthropology. There are the kinds of people who join a tribe, and kind of get sucked in, like a black hole. That's the last you hear from them, unless you happen to be in the black hole with them. And we need people like this in our tribes, if only to be cheerleaders.
- But the open source movement is energized by the other sort of joiner. This sort of person joins many tribes. These are the people who inhabit the intersections of the Venn diagrams. They believe in ANDs rather than ORs. They're a member of more than one subset, more than one tribe. The reason these people are important is, just like merchants who go between real tribes, they carry ideas from one intellectual tribe to another. I call these people "glue people", because they not only join themselves to a tribe, they join tribes together. Twenty years ago, you couldn't easily be a glue person, because our culture was not yet sufficiently accepting of diversity. -- LarryWall? ( http://www.perl.com/pub/a/1999/03/pm.html)