Wiki Sym2005





  Das erste internationale Wiki-Symposium (WikiSym) hat vom 16.-18. im Oktober 2005 in San Diego im Town Country Konferenzhotel (Mission Valley) im Rahmen der OOPSLA stattgefunden. Es war eine sehr interessante, und familiäre Veranstaltung der WikiCommunity mit ca. 100 Teilnehmern aus vielen Ländern. Auf Grund des Erfolges gibt es auch eine WikiSym2006, dieses mal im Rahmen der HYPERTEXT 2006.

Wissenschaftliche Papers




Workshops und Initiativen


komplette Liste kommt hoffentlich bald, einige Namen aus dem Gedächtnis (ohne Länderangabe: USA oder möglicherweise Kanada):

Die deutschsprachige Wiki-Community

Die deutschsprachige Community war mit ca. 8-12 Teilnehmer und 3 Papers sehr stark repräsentiert.

  • 2005 International Symposium on Wikis
  • Oct 17-18, 2005, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
  • Co-located with ACM OOPSLA 2005
  • http://www.wikisym.org/

The 2005 International Symposium on Wikis brings together wiki researchers, implementers, and users for the first time. The goal of the symposium is to find a voice for the community. The symposium has a rigorously reviewed research paper track as well as plenty of space for practitioner reports, demonstrations, and discussions. We are honored to announce that Ward Cunningham, the inventor and host of the original WikiWikiWeb, will present the opening keynote talk at WikiSym 2005. Anyone who is involved in using, researching, or developing wikis is invited to WikiSym 2005!

We are seeking submissions for

  • research papers
  • practitioner reports
  • demonstrations
  • workshops
  • panels
Research paper and practitioner report submissions are due

April 29, 2005

Workshop, and panel submissions are due

April 8, 2005

Demonstration submissions are due

July 1, 2005

Topics of interest to the symposium include, but are not limited to:

  • wikis as social software
  • wiki user behavior, user dynamics
  • wiki user experiences, usability
  • wiki implementation experiences and technology
  • wiki administration, processes, dealing with abuse
  • wiki scalability, social and technical
  • domain-specific/special-purpose wikis

Research papers will be reviewed by the committee to meet rigorous academic standards of publication. Research papers are expected to advance the state of the art by describing substantiated new research or novel technical results or by reporting on significant experience or experimentation. They are reviewed both with respect to conceptual quality and clarity of presentation.

Accepted research papers will be provided as part of the conference proceedings. They will be put into the ACM Digital Library and can be referenced as papers that appeared in the Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Wikis. At the symposium, the presenter will be given a 25min + 5min Q&A presentation slot. Research papers should not be longer than 10000 words and should meet the ACM SIG Proceedings Format, see http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html.

Practitioner reports will be reviewed for suitability of presentation to the community. The primary evaluation criterion is the interest to the community. Practitioner reports will be provided as part of the companion to the conference proceedings handed out at the symposium and can be referenced as papers that appeared in the Companion to the Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Wikis. Practitioner reports should not be longer than 6000 words and should meet the ACM SIG Proceedings Format.

Demonstration, workshop, and panel submissions will be reviewed for their interest to the community. Submit two pages of description of what you intend to do and how you meet this criterion. Please include a 100-word abstract and one-paragraph bios of all people relevant to the submission. Demonstrations will get 45min slots in a booth of their own, workshops will get a half-day and a room of their own, and panels will get a 90min slot at the symposium.

Please submit your papers or proposals in PDF format (or postscript, if you must) by the respective deadline to MAIL submissions (AT) wikisym.org.


The 2005 International Symposium on Wikis will be held at the Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California, on Oct 17 and 18, 2005. WikiSym 2005 will be co-located with the ACM OOPSLA 2005 conference, and participants may register for the symposium alone, or may jointly register for OOPSLA 2005.

If you have any questions, please contact Dirk Riehle through MAIL chair (AT) wikisym.org.


DirkRiehle, Independent (chair)

WardCunningham, Microsoft
MarkGuzdial, Georgia Institute of Technology
MatthiasJugel, Fraunhofer FIRST
HelmutLeitner, HLS Software
JamesNoble, Victoria University of Wellington
DavidOrnstein, Microsoft
SebastienPaquet, National Research Council of Canada
StephanSchmidt, Fraunhofer FIRST
SunirShah, University of Toronto


Was wird den/die TeilnehmerIn der Eintritt kosten? --BerndSchiffer

Offizielle Preise wird es vermutlich erst bei Aussendung der Teilnehmer-Einladungen geben. Vorläufige inoffizielle Information: Es wird einen regulären Eintritt für die zwei Tage geben (ca. $200-$300), und einen für Studenten reduzierten Eintritt (ca. $100-150), wobei noch in Schwebe ist, ob neben der Pausenverpflegung auch ein gemeinsamer Lunch organisiert und inkludiert wird. -- HelmutLeitner

Was genau ist eine Demonstration bzw. was genau wird dort erwartet? --BerndSchiffer

Aus interner Kommunikation: "Demos: System demos, typically these are presentations of 45min in a booth of their own." Ich kläre das aber noch genauer ab. -- HelmutLeitner

Ja, genau. eine "demo(nstration)" ist eine System-Vorführung, bei der Aspekte eines konkreten Wikis (System, Werkzeuge, Verhalten) praktisch vorgeführt werden. Die Grundannahme ist immer, dass die Vorführung etwas für die Zuschauer interessantes zeigen wird. Dh man sollte sich ueberlegen, was denn das eigene Wiki etc. besonders macht, und ob dies reicht 45min zu füllen. --DirkRiehle
