March 10, 2007
Feature Requests /
Registration Features

A number of features have been discussed but have not been implemented. Please add your ideas.

SelfRegistration. A user can register himself. The problem is that anyone, even a spammer can register. There is a pollution of the user namespace because there will be 20x more users, 95% inactive. SelfRegistration could be optionally guared by a codeword, that people can easily pass in the community. It could suggest or require an e-mail address. A valid e-mail address could be used to send lost passwords to the owner. Invalid or missing e-mail-addresses will hinder that this problem is 100% solved. Requiring a valid e-mail address to complete the registration process (activation link) would improve on that but make registration of users without e-mail account impossible.

OpenIDSupport. A user could register himself via a valid OpenID. I'm currently exploring that with a small french Group interested to know more about identity's perspective. It could -maybe?- help authors, users and lurkers to have single signin wiki and offer us to implement social whitelist features powered by OpenID + XFN microformats in ProWiki ? -- ChristopheDucamp March 10, 2007 4:15 CET

Please add your ideas.