Order And Structure
The starting point for this page is the observation that wikis often seem chaotic and we have to admit that they sometimes really are. But what is behind this statement? Sometimes this is:
- a subjective judgement because occasional visitors do not see or understand the existing order systems.
- an objective fact, because hundreds or thousands of pages are created without caring to make them accessible.
- a misunderstanding of what a wiki can be. If you want to have a vivid and living community, you can not - at the same time - have military or hierarchical orderlyness. Think of a tree: it is beautiful, a perfect living system, fully functional even for economic use ... but the branches and leaves are not aligned and orderly.
That said, one can hardly do too much, to make wiki accessable to its readers, users and authors. There are many ways to do this, some are technically supported and some are just BestPractices.
ProWiki supports within the wiki:
ProWiki supports structures above the wiki-level:
FolderStructures FolderStartingPoints