Wiki Fractality
WikiFractality means that any part of a wiki can be configured individually, in the extreme to become a wiki of its own, even recursively. This is a feature pretty unique to the ProWiki.
The configuration of a page is done in a special subpages named "Context ". Take the colors to stand for layout, user rights or any other property:
Options are passed to subpages (jargon: inherited) and can be enhanced or redefined on any level:
- one extreme is a SubWiki
: a WikiBranch that may have its own layout, language, link options, RecentChanges, index, statistics and works like a wiki of its own (red and green could be candidates).
- the other extreme is the page or page type that is completely individually configured (in the example: blue and yellow). Each page could have its own language, logo, layout or link rules.
- in additional the normal scope an option (parent page and all its descendants) may be reduced. See OptionScope.
WikiFractality is a simple idea that adds a so many ways to use to wikis, that only a small percentage have already been explored:
- SubWikis
for special interest groups within the community
- projects and subprojects within a wiki that have separate access rights * students groups that work behind a curtain on the same task until the curtain is lifted
- create and test new designs within a wiki, allowing everyone to participate
- make a private Branch as an editorial system to work on pages that are then published (just copied) to the public part of a wiki
See also: