Text Formatting
(redirection from Wiki Markup)
In general: write your text without leading spaces the text will wrap automatically. Separate paragraphs using blank lines.
For simple text formatting use these classical wiki markups:
 | markup | description | result |
| four or more hyphens | a separator line |
italic text | text between two single quotes | italic text |
bold text | text between three single quotes | bold text |
bold and italic text | text between five single quotes | bold and italic text |
=== title === | a line starting and ending with equal signs | a title bar (see example below) |
* xyz | a line starting with one or more asterisks | indented and bulleted text line (see example below) |
: xyz | a line starting with one or more colons | indented text line (see example below) |
# xyz | a line starting with one or more hashes | indented and numbered lines (see example below) |
; term: definition | a line starting with a semicolon, a term, a colon and a definition | indented entry for a definiton list (see example below) |
http://www.google.com | an url to a website starting with "http:" | http://www.google.com (a working link to the website) |
http://www.wikiservice.at/wn.jpg | an url to an image starting with "http:" |  |
mailto:office@wikiservice.at | "mailto:" followed by a valid e-mail address | MAIL office (AT) wikiservice.at (a working e-mail link) |
Look at this sample text input. You will find the output it creates below the frame.
=== Classical wiki markup ===
Just enter any text. It will wrap automatically at
the window border. Use single quotes to write italic,
bold or even bold and italic.
Separate paragraphs with empty lines. Or use separators:
It's easy to create lists with bullets:
* bold
* italic
** bold and italic
Lists without bullets:
: the number of
:: initial colons shows in the
::: levels of indentation
Numbered lists:
# numbers
# are added to the lines
# automatically
An image:
Some definitions:
;wiki: an authoring system for websites
;HTML: short for HyperText Markup Language
;CDML: short for Content Description Markup Language
Output created:
Classical wiki markup
Just enter any text. It will wrap automatically at
the window border. Use single quotes to write italic,
bold or even bold and italic.
Separate paragraphs with empty lines. Or use separators:
It's easy to create lists with bullets:
Lists without bullets:
- the number of
- initial colons shows in the
- levels of indentation
Numbered lists:
- numbers
- are added to the lines
- automatically
An image:
Some definitions:
- wiki
- an authoring system for websites
- short for HyperText Markup Language
- short for Content Description Markup Language
ThomasKalka: Missing a link to LinkingSchemes in ProWiki.
You are probably looking for LabeledLink too - hard to locate!