Wiki Applications
(redirection from Wiki Application)
There are quite a number of typical WikiApplications for different needs:
- BookWiki -- authors collaborate to write (translate, refactor) a book
- CityWiki -- wikis for the needs of tourists and inhabitants, very structured to serve the various interest
- CommunityWiki -- to build an OnlineCommunity for a special interest or topic
- ConferenceWiki -- supporting an event, its organisation and the related people, sustainability in the use of information
- CorporationWiki -- for commercial organisations, optionally combines elements of ProjectWiki, SupportWiki, PublishingWiki and KnowledgeManagementWiki
- ClassroomWiki -- a learning plattform for school classes, a simple system fo colorful and joyful work, supporting multimedia and simple uploading
- CourseWiki -- collaboration platform for single courses of adult students
- DictionaryWiki -- collaboration for creating a dictionary or an ontology
- EncyclopediaWiki -- collaboration towards an encyclopedia, flat namespace, discussion and community separated
- HomepageWiki -- a wiki that replaces a classical homepage, closed except for a few users, still updating is simple, workload can be distributed
- KnowledgeManagementWiki -- to build and maintain a well-structured information resource for common use by a defined user group
- NetworkWiki -- supporting personal network building, supporting people, initiatives and workspaces
- OpenSourceWiki -- collaboration of the developers and users of a software program
- OrganisationWiki -- for non-profit organisations and institutions, more open for collaboration
- PersonalWiki -- wiki as a personal information system, take your notes privately and build your personal universe
- ProjectWiki -- support collaboration in a - usually distributed - project, open or closed, depending on context
- PublishingWiki -- online publishing for interest and target groups, roles of editors and authors, production of daily news and long-term article reputation
- ResearchWiki -- a formal research community using separate and private project branches, specially supporting mechanism of peer review and publishing.
- SchoolWiki -- a platform for a school, combining hompage, publishing and learning needs
- SupportWiki -- support the users of a product, refine the documentations, give the "customers" place for feedback
- PatternLanguageWiki -- an informal research wiki that targets the creation of a PatternLanguage, sharing features of CommunityWiki
- UniversityWiki -- communication platform for the students or staff of an university, a WikiCluster containing various types of wikis in an overall framework: PersonalWikis for students and stuff, HomePageWikis for institutes, ProjectWikis for certain projects, CourseWikis to support learning
WikiService has been aware of these needs and continuously develops the ProWiki software to support them.
Question: Why not "one system fits them all"?
Answer: Because it is just not possible. For example the WikiPedia strategy of separating content and discussion is useless in a personal wiki (discuss with yourself?) or a CommunityWiki (where everything tends to be a discussion and the classification and separation of dissertation and discussion is a problem). On the other hand, for CorporationWiki or NetworkWiki needing deep hierarchical project structures, this separation doesn't fit at all. So the best what we can do, is make ProWiki as configurable as possible and make wiki simple where it needs to be simple (for example at school or for beginners) and make wiki as flexible and complex where this complexity is needed (for example in social networks and for wiki experts).