

Difference (last change) (no other diffs, normal page display)

Changed: 7c7
* ThelopVocabulary?
* ThelopDictionary

Thelop is short for "THE Language Of Programmers", the first try to implement LanguageOrientedProgramming. Thelop started in 1992 and you may read more about it in ThelopHistory.

Thelop is in between a formal language and a natural language. It has a vocabulary and syntactical rules that must be followed, but there is also some freedom. Expressiveness is more important than strictness.

The main parts of Thelop are:

You may be also be interested in:

  • ThelopExamples?
  • ThelopHowTo?
  • ThelopTools?
Theoretical aspects:

© ThelopWiki Community zuletzt geändert am September 19, 2003