Last update May 9, 2011

Editor Support /
Microsoft Visual C6

You can create .d files using the "C++ Source File" type to get reasonably good editing and syntax highlighting support. If you open a file that already exists, you can change the type by right-clicking in the source window, selecting Properties, and changing the Language drop-box to C/C++. Create new projects using the "Utility Project" type to minimize interference.

For compilation, I've bound a key to run a tool that I use throughout my projects; \dmd\bin\make is a good one. To do that, go into Tools/Customize and click on the Tools tab. Add an entry that runs your program (be sure to put "$(WkspDir)" in the "Initial directory" edit box), then exit this dialog and check out what number its icon has in the Tools menu. Now go back into Tools/Customize and click on the Keyboard tab. Switch the Category to Tools and click on the UserToolN, where N is the number your tool got in the Tools menu. Click in the "Press new shortcut key" edit box, hit the shortcut to run the tool (I like Control-Tilde), and click on the Assign button, then dismiss the dialog.

[From] Also check here to see how to add the .d extension and additional keywords to the editor.

See also Debug Environments for instructions on how to build and debug D-projects from within Microsoft Visual C.

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