Last update January 17, 2008

Error Messages /
Compiler Errors

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's.length' is not an lvalue   
Conflicting Symbols   
A struct is not a valid initializer for an array   

's.length' is not an lvalue    

Problem code:

void main()
   char[] s;


s.length = s.length + 1;

See also NG:D/25540, NG:D/25486, NG:D/25619, NG:digitalmars.D/10823, NG:digitalmars.D.bugs/1882,, DigitalMars:d/archives/10070.html.

Conflicting Symbols    

Problem code:

import std.ctype;
import std.string;
void main()
   char[] s = "some string";
   s = toupper(s);
   printf("%.*s\n", s);

Error message:

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\std\string.d(502): function toupper 
conflicts with ctype.toupper at c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\std\ctype.d(36)

There are multiple solutions. The simplest is to change

 s = toupper(s);
 s = std.string.toupper(s);

See also NG:D/26519.

A struct is not a valid initializer for an array    

Problem code:

int[] data = { 17, 23, 42, 69, 105, 666 };

Arrays are initialized using square brackets []

int[] data = [ 17, 23, 42, 69, 105, 666 ];

Structs are initialized using braces {}

struct Foo
    int    A;
    char[] B;

const Foo X = {1, "abc"};  

To combine them:

struct Foo
    int    A;
    char[] B;

const Foo[] X = [ {1, "abc" }, 
                  {4, "xyzzy" }

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