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Banking VRM

VRM is the acronym of Vendor Relationship Marketing.
At it's simplest, it's turning the idea of selling and marketing TO customers on its head. With VRM, the customer is in charge of the relationship. Not the vendor. BankingVRM could explore the perspective for bank and finance.

This should be a dedicated AbsorptionGroup dedicated to speak of the perspectives to explore the future uses of VRM within bank and finance.

A dedicated Branch should be opened soon, we've still a lot of work :

  1. refine our MissionStatement
  2. invite experts to help us (like DocSearls, ColinHenderson... ?) and any other members of the canonical VRM project
  3. drop useful references on a dedicated MaGnolia group
  4. explore VRM variations like CreditCardIssuersRM, PrivateSavingsRM, RealEstateLoanRM ...
  5. ... and what about ClassActions using VRM tools?
  • ....


BarCampBank VRM PinkoMarketing CRMSucks OpenIdentity IdentitéEnLigne MicroFormats


BankingVRM is the canonical name of a future BarCampBank's AbsorptionGroup dedicated to explore the uses of VRM in bank and finance

What is VRM ?

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