Edit text of this page (date of last change: December 18, 2006 15:52 (diff))
In BarCampBankDiscussion, we discussed the use of WikiCalc software to do asynchronous WikiTing around costs/cash and SeedingStructure.
SamRose has set up an instance of WikiCalc at
http://s4560.gridserver.com/cgi-bin/wikicalc/wikicalccgi.pl for us to experiment with in conjunction with regular wiki software.
BarCampBankDiscussion, we talked about the possibility of WikiCalc TransClusion into wiki pages. DanBricklin gives an example here. For OddMuse wiki engine, TransClusion of WikiCalc is possible by allowing for inclusion of Raw HTML (see: http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/wiki/HTML). This solution can work for our group, but is not a great solution for wide spread use, because of the issues noted on http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/wiki/HTML
http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/wiki/HtmlLinks_Module might be a better option, since TransClusion of WikiCalc woud allow the WikiCalc live page to also have a link that allows the user to edit the data in wikicalc. So, there is only the need to add the code for the WikiCalc data to the page once.
I don't know at this time how this would work with ProWiki engine.
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