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Business Plan /
Competitive Environment

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This page should describe the real competitors P2PVenture will have. This could be commercial entities like banks, or non commercial entities like governmental agencies or not-for-profit organizations.


At this stage, it is not defined if P2PVenture should operate as a for-profit or not-for-profit platform. Whatever the choice, it must be able to derive enough revenue to support its operation, re-invest in new developments, spin-off new projects. So beside the consideration on earnings, P2PVenture will have some basic economical points to validate. -- FredericBaud

This page should describe the real competitors P2PVenture will have. This could be commercial entities like banks, or non commercial entities like governmental agencies or not-for-profit organizations.


At this stage, it is not defined if P2PVenture should operate as a for-profit or not-for-profit platform. Whatever the choice, it must be able to derive enough revenue to support its operation, re-invest in new developments, spin-off new projects. So beside the consideration on earnings, P2PVenture will have some basic economical points to validate. -- FredericBaud

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P2PVenture's Mission is to help creating a full-scale P2P screening and funding platform for startups and small businesses' projects.

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