Edit text of this page (date of last change: January 22, 2007 11:15 (diff))

Executive Summary

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Changed: 1c1
This page should contain a 2 page summary of the BusinessPlan to be read by an Executive. In our case, the ExecutiveSummary is not to hold information from the readers, but because any Executive (who happen to be mere humans) don't read more than 2 pages.
This page should contain a 2 page summary of the BusinessPlan to be read by an Executive. In our case, the ExecutiveSummary is not to hold information from the readers, but because any typical Executive (who happens to be a mere human) does not read more than 2 pages.

This page should contain a 2 page summary of the BusinessPlan to be read by an Executive. In our case, the ExecutiveSummary is not to hold information from the readers, but because any typical Executive (who happens to be a mere human) does not read more than 2 pages.
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