Edit text of this page (date of last change: March 7, 2007 9:51 (diff))


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Changed: 28c28,29
=== Who =
=== Present =
Alphabetical on the first name

Deleted: 31d31
# ThomasBoury

Added: 32a33,41
# LouisVanProosdij
# OlivierBerthier
# PatrickLardant
# ThierryRoumet
# ThomasBoury

=== Meeting minutes =
I won't go into the details of the content since it's Jean-Marc and Thomas' privilege to make public what they feel comfortable to.

Added: 33a43
Regarding the format, I personally think this was a good meeting. The idea was to have an incubation meeting where Jean-Marc and Thomas would present their project and have other participants react, advise and possibly coordinate for helping the project. Jean-Marc and Thomas presented an investor pitch. They'll have to tell us if the comments we made we'll prove useful, but I think the discussion was very good quality and provides a lot of hope for the next steps. -- FredericBaud

Workshops are physical gatherings of people interested in discussing specific aspects of the P2PVenture project or exchanging information on their own advancements.


Tuesday March 6, 2007 - 19h00 to 21h00


Servcorp business center near Opera, Paris, France c/o Palathena 17 square Edouard VII 75009 Paris, salle "Nefertiti" rdc


  1. ThomasBoury and JeanMarcOuvre will be presenting advances from Advanceo Platform
  2. FredericBaud will be giving some live updates on P2PVenture and BarCampBank

Tentative Agenda

Introduction-10mnto leave time to get together
Advanceo's Project Presentation and share open discussionThomasBoury & JeanMarcOuvre60mnSlides, demo alpha
Wrap-up-20mnListing next steps and action items


Alphabetical on the first name

  1. FredericBaud
  2. JeanMarcOuvre
  3. LouisVanProosdij
  4. OlivierBerthier
  5. PatrickLardant
  6. ThierryRoumet
  7. ThomasBoury

Meeting minutes

I won't go into the details of the content since it's Jean-Marc and Thomas' privilege to make public what they feel comfortable to.

Regarding the format, I personally think this was a good meeting. The idea was to have an incubation meeting where Jean-Marc and Thomas would present their project and have other participants react, advise and possibly coordinate for helping the project. Jean-Marc and Thomas presented an investor pitch. They'll have to tell us if the comments we made we'll prove useful, but I think the discussion was very good quality and provides a lot of hope for the next steps. -- FredericBaud


P2Pventure Live

P2PVenture's Mission is to help creating a full-scale P2P screening and funding platform for startups and small businesses' projects.

A BarCampBank Workgroup

BarCampBank WorkGroups

BarCampBank AbsorptionGroups


Tech Support



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