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But you can have some info on what's coming next here:
BarCampBank physical reunions have only happened in Paris - France so far. We would be very excited (and probably some of us would come participate) to see a BarCampBank
organized somewhere else on the planet. Anyone ready to try organizing a BarCampBankNYC, BarCampBankLondon, BarCampBankSF, BarCampBankChicago, BarCampBankToronto (Tom?), BarCampBankGeneva (Alex?),..
Just to make the prospect more alluring, we can tell you that we have been overwhelmly surprised by the success of BarCampBank3
in Paris and realized that there is a lot going on in banking and financial innovations and that people were only waiting to have such an event happening to come and share with other like-minded innovators. So why don't you just create a page on the official BarCamp site and see if people come. We'll all use our networks to try give the idea the more echo that we can. -- FredericBaud
Also thinking about introduction via combinaton "MiniBars". Where you can get togther people interested in BarCampBank topics, Coworking, and more traditional BarCamp topics. And, making BarCampBank
part of existing scheduled BarCamps when possible. Just some ideas. MiniBar is something that I was looking at doing in the area no matter what. There has already been a
BarCamp:BarCampGrandRapids, but none in Detroit, nor Ann Arbor, which is really surprising, as Ann Arbor is busting at the seams with people interested in this type of thing. -- SamRose
Yes, why not start with a MiniBar, seems like a good idea (are you thinking something similar to BarCamp:minibar?). I think physical get-togethers are the best way to start promoting ideas like BarCampBank
and Coworking. I suppose that for this contest, the winning city will be the one hosting a full BarCampBank
-- FredericBaud
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