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Business Model

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This branch of P2PVenture is dedicated to the elaboration of the business model for a platform allowing open screening and financing of venture projects.

A business model is usually exposed, explained and instanciated through several documents like: an ElevatorPitch, an ExecutiveSummary and a BusinessPlan.

=== Content =
# QuestionsAndAnswers

=== Compass =
Below is a list of links to particular pages within the P2PVenture space:

# IndustryWatch - page listing the sites and business related to P2PVenture
# ProjectScreening - page collaboratively maintaining a white-paper on the different phases of a project

This branch of P2PVenture is dedicated to the elaboration of the business model for a platform allowing open screening and financing of venture projects.

A business model is usually exposed, explained and instanciated through several documents like: an ElevatorPitch, an ExecutiveSummary and a BusinessPlan.


  1. QuestionsAndAnswers


Below is a list of links to particular pages within the P2PVenture space:

  1. IndustryWatch - page listing the sites and business related to P2PVenture
  2. ProjectScreening - page collaboratively maintaining a white-paper on the different phases of a project
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P2PVenture's Mission is to help creating a full-scale P2P screening and funding platform for startups and small businesses' projects.

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