ContextVariables and ConfigurationsVariables are synonyms. They are used in configuration files and ContextPages .
Important ContextVariables for FractalWiki :
Layout variables:
Technical variables:
Configuration variable make a wiki work the way it does. There are many of them (perhaps 40-60) and they come in a number of different flavours.
Typically (before the FractalWiki ) they come from a wiki configuration file and will not change very often. Typically they are set when the wiki is installed and maybe fine tuned later. This is done by the administrator of a wiki or by the support (of your wiki software).
You can look at the configuration file of this wiki:
This fractal wiki also takes configuration data from ContextPages along the page path:
So the page Page/Secondary/Third would be influenced by the standard configuration file and 4 Context pages. If this page has no subpages then the last one is an individual configuration files that is only working for this single page.
Context variables and where they are used:
Note |  |
A few ContextVariables can't be redefined. They are defined in
 | Variable %VarLockedHash: |
AllowEdit => n |
ContextPageName => n |
CookieName => n |
DataDir => n |
DateLimit => n |
DefaultRights => n |
ExecutablesDir => n |
GlobalDir => n |
PageLimit => n |
ScriptFile => n |
TemplateInsertPassList => n |
UploadUserQuotaMax => n |
UploadWikiQuota => n |
UserName => n |
WebDir => n |
WikiBase => n |
WikiCharset => n |
Using them in a /Context page is without effect (I hope).